BOARD 2024-2025
Janette Lischner
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
- The President shall preside at all Chapter meetings as well as meetings of the Chapter’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Such meetings should be governed by parliamentary procedure.
- The President shall appoint committees as needed by the Chapter, and receive reports from Committee Chairpersons on a regular basis.
- The President shall work closely with Regional Directors, Officers and ALA Headquarter for the recognition of the Chapter and members, and has the responsibility of maintaining contact with those individuals in order to keep members apprised of activities.
- The President shall attend either the Annual Conference or Regional Conference, as well as the Chapter Leadership Institute, at the Chapter’s expense.
- The President shall approve all membership applications for ALA and Chapter membership. The President shall make certain that accurate membership records are maintained and that ALA Headquarters is kept apprised of all changes. The President should make an effort to recognize and welcome each new member of the Chapter.
- The President will receive many telephone inquiries and correspondence. Every effort should be made to acknowledge and respond to calls and correspondence in a timely manner.
- The President should be available for meetings, events, and activities with other legal organizations, such as bar associations.
- The President shall participate in ALA’s Chapter Presidents’ listserve.
- The President will encourage members to abide by ALA’s code of Professional Ethics.
- The President shall arrange for an audit of the Chapter’s books.
- The President shall apply for merit awards as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

Regnier Acosta
Weissman & Dervishi, P.A.
- The President-Elect is a member of the Chapter’s Board of Directors and has the prime responsibility to assist the President in fulfilling their duties and to act in the place of the President when the President is unable to do so. It is intended that this officer will prepare to assume the position of President the subsequent year in such a way that the continuity of the Chapter will be maintained.
- Either alone or in conjunction with an Education or Program chair or Committee, this officer is responsible for all programming during their term of office, include Chapter meetings, including but not limited to subject matter, format, speakers, location, etc., and therefore is automatically a member of the Program Committee.
- All standing committees are coordinated through the President-Elect. This officer is an honorary co-chair on all committees. It is also the responsibility of this officer to recruit committee participants from the general chapter membership.
- The President-Elect will attend all Chapter meetings and Board meetings. In addition, they will attend the Chapter Leadership Institute, at ALA Headquarters and Chapter’s expense.
- The President-Elect shall participate in ALA’s Chapter President’s listserv. The President-Elect will encourage members to abide by ALA’s Code of Professional Responsibility.
- The President-Elect shall manage the Legal Expo, which should be held in March.
- The President-Elect shall plan the Transition Dinner, which should be held in April. At this dinner, the gravel will be passed from the outgoing President to the incoming President. The President-Elect shall purchase the thank you gift for the President which will be awarded at the Transition Dinner.

Emelyn Bruguera Weir
Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP
305 415-3385
- The Secretary is a member of the Chapter’s Board of Directors and has the responsibility to attend all Chapter meetings and Board meetings. In addition, they will attend the Chapter Leadership Institute, at the Board’s expense.
- The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all Board of Directors meetings. A copy of the minutes should be distributed to the Board as soon as possible after meetings, with approval being obtained at the next Board meeting.
- The Secretary shall provide highlights of the Board of Directors minutes to the Webmaster, for inclusion on the website.
- The Secretary shall maintain a record of the proceedings at all Chapter meetings. A copy of the minutes shall be distributed to the entire membership, with approval being obtained at the next Chapter meeting.
- The Secretary shall notify the Regional Board of the Chapter’s activities by sending a copy of the Board’s minutes to the Regional Communication Officer, as soon as possible following the Board meetings.
- The Secretary will encourage members to abide by ALA’s Code of Professional Responsibility.

Kristine Blanco
Gordon & Rees
- The Treasurer maintains records of all financial transactions, and prepares financial reports for meetings of the Chapter’s Board of Directors.
- Prior to the end of the Chapter’s year, the Treasurer prepares a projected budget for the upcoming year, using input from officers and committee chairpersons.
- The Treasurer attends Chapter meetings and Board of Directors meetings. In addition, they will attend the Chapter Leadership Institute, at the Board’s expense.
- The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all funds, including:
- New member dues
- Renewal dues
- Chapter meeting fees
- Fees for salary surveys
- Business Partner sponsorship fees
- The Treasurer shall maintain the Chapter’s checking accounts and pays all Chapter bills and expenses. The Treasurer also maintains receipts and reconciles the bank statements monthly.
- The Treasurer directs the bank to issue the bank statements to a current or past president, who opens, reviews, and then forwards the statements to the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer will encourage members to abide by ALA’s Code of Professional Responsibility.
- The Treasurer shall keep state corporation records current and in good standing.
- The Treasurer shall work with the auditor chosen by the President to conduct an annual review of the Chapter’s books.
- Treasurer shall file an annual tax return.

Past-President/Director 1
Lourdes Sanders
Nelson Mullins
- Is a member of the Chapter’s Board of Directors, and has the responsibility to attend all Chapter meetings and Board meetings;
- Will arrange and host an annual Past Presidents – New Members luncheon or dinner;
- Shall be the contact for and to maintain a Job Bank for open positions and of those members looking for new positions;
- Will encourage members to abide by ALA’s Code of Professional Responsibility.

Past-President/Director 2
Emelyn Bruguera Weir
Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP
305 415-3385
- The Second Past-President/Director (hereafter called Director) is a member of the Chapter’s Board of Directors, and has the responsibility to attend all Chapter meetings and Board meetings;
- Shall administer the Regional and Annual Conferences scholarship program for chapter members;
- The Director will encourage members to abide by ALA’s Code of Professional Responsibility.
Scholarships for Board Members: Awards for scholarships for Board Members to one conference will be awarded based on their past year of service.